Summer 2020

As many of you would know, I had to cancel the Loughborough Summer event on Sunday 6 September at Walton Brook Vineyard.
The cancellation came from the winemaker and the landowner for various Covid-19 related reasons. It was a hard decision but I understand the situation and the concerns, which I had too and was doing everything in my abilities to overcome.

2020 has been a challenging year for most people and definitely for small, family-owned businesses. There are still many question marks this year alone - Covid and a possible recession, for example - and I’m working on the next steps for the events and the participants.

The next months will see work behind the scenes and assessment of what happens from pandemics, governments, and the economy.

I’m working to set a new platform up for which I’m excited about, enhance the vineyard events offer and sport village, and expand the Running Clubs to London and possibly other cities.

There is always work to be done, opportunities to create, developments to make, and collaborations to create.

It’s hard with the roadblocks that life puts on the road, but exciting for what’s to come.

