
What a difference a month can make. The last blog was posted on 3 March 2020. Now, businesses are closed, mass gatherings prohibited (rightly so), and a lockdown is in place. Cases of people with the so called ‘coronavirus’ are increasing and tragic losses are increasing too.

There is no other way to put it - these are hard times and it’ll be a while before they go 100% back to normal.

Nevertheless, keeping high spirits, and healthy bodiesand minds is essential as usual, if not even more.

For this reason I started the RunningWine, a weekly newsletter where I suggest one workout (running for now) and one wine for you to explore. Most wineries and vineyards are shipping for free so access to English wines is not an issue. As for the workout, I’ll soon start suggesting a non-running workout so if you can’t or don’t feel like going out, you can still keep active in any of your rooms.

We hadtwo RunningWines newsletters so far, number 1 and number 2. The third one is coming out this coming Saturday.

I want to maintain our community and stay in contact, even if there is social distancing. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop, get some ideas, and get some wine deals.

Post your worksout tagged #wildwinerunner for the chance to win a treat, and to inspire others and let them know you’re there.

I hope to see you soon.
